Who is this forum for?
It’s for anyone who is participating in the Ajna Protocol’s Grants Program.
- AJNA token holders
- Delegates
- Professionals of all sorts
What can I find here?
- A place to publish, discuss, sharpen, and gain support for RFPs
- A place to publish, discuss, sharpen, and gain support for grant proposals
- The attention of AJNA token holders (
- The attention of professional delegates
- Information about the Grant Program
Why should I come here?
AJNA token holders
- To share ideas and publish requests for proposals
- To learn about what is being proposed
- To give feedback to grant applicants
- To share ideas and publish requests for proposals
- To learn about what is being proposed
- To give feedback to grant applicants
- To learn about what AJNA stakeholders want
- To learn about what is being proposed
- To propose professional work projects
- To refine proposals