Community, Business Development, and Grants Support Proposal

Community, Business Development, and Grants Support


Receiving Address: 0xc1112dbbcA87aAE49CAfe4F3aE065E1B0dDd5bbB
AJNA Amount: 900,000

Applicant and Team Information

Applicant Name: Supportive LLC | David Utrobin

About David
Credentials & Experience

Project Information

1. What is it?

A support package for Ajna and its Grants Program that includes:

  • Grant Program & Protocol Support
    • Maintaining public trackers
      • Grant Ideas & Requests
      • Grants Pipeline
      • Delegate Activity & Votes
      • Important Dates
    • Grantee assistance
      • Pre-submission advisory
      • Connect teams with resources or experts.
      • Post-grant advisory
    • Reporting
      • Evaluation of grant proposals and performance
      • Quarterly informational newsletter
    • Delegate
      • Offer delegation to AJNA token holders
      • Vote on all cycles and stages
      • Communicate reasons for all votes.
      • Grantee-assistance (see above)
    • Business Development
      • Generate and develop grantee, integrator, and user leads
      • Management of a private stakeholder database
      • Annual conference attendance
  • General Support
    • Github
      • Manage payments
      • Manage access
    • FAQ/Docs site
      • Manage the account with Gitbook
      • Edit for improvements & maintenance
    • Forum site
      • Manage Discourse payments
      • Manage improvements & maintenance
      • Moderate content
      • Engage with community
    • Discord
      • Manage Discord payments and server
      • Manage improvements & maintenance
      • Moderate content
      • Engage with community
    • Ajna.Finance site
      • Website integrator listing moderation
    • Incident Response Coordinator
      • Publish communications related to incidents
        • Twitter
        • Discord
        • Discourse

2. What problem is being solved, how?

Three problems:

  • Lack of support for the Ajna forum and discord communities
  • Lack of support for the grants program
  • Lack of direct business development effort
  1. How will this project be a source of growth or success for Ajna? Please include a step-by-step summary of how you imagine the completed project will affect Ajna.

With the listed services in place, existing resources will be maintained, ensuring a good user experience for people looking into Ajna. This increases the likelihood that they will be converted into users. Additionally, the grants program will have the support it needs, increasing the probability of engaged voters and high-quality grant proposals. As a result, there is an increased likelihood that grant funding is spent well, leading to a higher impact on Ajna’s success.

A support package like this is fundamental to Ajna’s growth and success.

4. What is/are the objective(s)?

Objective 1: Keep existing resources up-to-date and functioning.
Objective 2: Support a culture of high standards at the Ajna Grants program.
Objective 3: Generate business interest in Ajna.

5. What is/are the deliverable(s)?

  • Objective 1 deliverables
    • FAQ/Docs site
      • Manage the account with Gitbook
      • Edit for improvements & maintenance
    • Forum site
      • Manage Discourse payments
      • Manage improvements & maintenance
      • Moderate content
      • Engage with community
    • Discord
      • Manage Discord payments and server
      • Manage improvements & maintenance
      • Moderate content
      • Engage with community
  • Objective 2 deliverables
    • Maintaining public trackers
      • Grant Ideas & Requests
      • Grants Pipeline
      • Delegates
      • Important Dates
    • Grantee assistance
      • Pre-submission advisory
      • Connect teams with resources or experts.
      • Post-grant advisory
    • Reporting
      • Evaluation of grant proposals and performance
      • Quarterly informational newsletter
  • Objective 3 deliverables
    • Business Development
      • Generate and develop grantee, integrator, and user leads
      • Expansion and maintenance of a private stakeholder database
      • Annual conference attendance with goal of developing and generating leads.

6. What is the timeline for completing the deliverables?

Deliverables are ongoing for the lifetime of the funded grant.

7. What level of support do you anticipate needing through the duration of the project?

Ajna’s success will be a collaborative process. Any feedback on what my priorities should be as it relates to grants and business development will be very helpful. Additionally, any introductions to potential grantees, integrators, and users will also be very helpful.

8. How often will progress reports be published to the forum?

A quarterly report will be published. As-needed updates may also be published.

9. What are the estimated costs associated with the full completion of this project?

$170,000 USD per year – 1,801,000 AJNA (priced at $0.094)
$85,000 (cycle1) + $85,000(cycle2)
900,000 AJNA + adjust for real token price AJNA


  • All financials will be publicly reported
  • Money earned as a delegate is discounted from future continuation grants.
  • Any surplus is rolled over to the next year resulting in discounted asks in future continuity grants.

10. If applicable, How will the project be maintained after completion of the grant?

This grant will fund 6 months of service. If the grant is not renewed in following cycles then an attempt will be made to transfer general support expenses to the Ajna Foundation to prevent discontinuation of services.

Additional Information

11. How will you handle a delay in your project timeline?

Delays will be publicly reported, but are unlikely due to the nature of the work.

12. How will you handle a scenario where the project can’t be completed due to insufficient funding or other factors?

See 10. Additionally I will seek external funding sources to try to extend my timeline enough to apply for a grant in the next cycle.

13. How will you handle a scenario where the project is completed, but significantly under-budget?

Based on voter feedback, I will either extend my service term without seeking additional grant funding so long as my budget is funded in USD terms or I will return excess AJNA tokens to the Ajna Protocol Treasury.

cc: @Delegates All feedback welcome!


The proposal has been submitted on chain! Please vote yes :grin:

I recommend voting some time mid-late next week before the 21st.

As a delegate I will abstain from voting on my own proposal.

1 Like

I’m putting together a more comprehensive BD report that will be published end of June. Here’s a shorter update.

I reached out to many different parties; Token projects, potential integrators, potential lenders and borrowers. Some of the successes:

  • Many chats and calls educating potential users about Ajna
  • A bunch of new pools, but all with weak or no TVL
  • Several chain integrations in progress (linea, filecoin fvm, avalanche, etc)
  • A few coincentive opportunities set up with Juiced.
  • Launched to help kickstart pools and solve chicken and egg problem (detailed below)
  • ENA airdrop setup for Ajna users.


  • attracting lenders
  • new pools have a hard time getting started (chicken and egg problem where lenders deposit up front with no guarantee of borrower demand)

Key problems

  • big lenders want passive lender ux
  • long tail assets have a hard time attracting lenders without external incentives.
  • Ajna incentives are weak due to weak AJNA market
  • high DSR jump a couple of months ago triggered decline in lenders across the board and also made new pools almost impossible to kick start without incentives or special interest since pools start at 10% max interest rate.
  • borrowers using long tail assets for collateral at risk of arbitrary liquidation due to lack of liquidators and typical shortage of lenders in those pools.

In progress

  • cex listing
  • continued outreach to token projects to set up new pools and deploy capital
  • concepts page in the faqs for more educational content

Missing a lot of things here, but this is a decent overview.